Monday, March 17, 2008

Just a Bit of Everything

Well, I had my 30 day review yesterday. It's an informal review done just by our department, mostly good, a few things to work on. But that's to be expected anyway... I guess they'll keep me for now.

The last day of every cruise we give out customer satisfaction surveys, and they're actually pretty serious about them. We're not supposed to touch them, and they're kept locked until someone from the Miami office collects them when we're in port on switchover day. Then they have a company that types up everyone's comments, and they send us files for the different departments so that we know what everyone says. This all happens usually within 24-48 hours. Anyway, I got my first comment this cruise, which was very nice (it was a good one). Good things happen for the Guest Service Officer with the most comments (not me this time, but something to work towards).

We're also starting to get geared up for going back to Europe. Our ship is actually the only one in the fleet that's owned by Royal Caribbean UK, so this ship is actually going to stay over there for at least a couple of years.

While I'm looking forward to being in Europe, I'm not looking forward to the work there. Everyone keeps telling me how much busier we'll be, how we'll always have lines, and there's a lot more lost luggage too, which creates a lot more work. Hopefully being able to go out in the ports will make up for it.

Last week I got to go out in Aruba. We ended up going back to this pool where we'd been the week before. Unfortunately I wasn't so good with the reapplying of sunscreen, so my legs got sunburned, which was not helped by the heavy pants I have to wear. I also ended up with some pretty funny tan lines, so my roommate was calling me dalmation. I'll be more careful next time. I guess I have to remember to try to get the tan slowly...

I also had this weird thing for a few days where my ankle swelled up, which made me a bit worried since I hadn't done anything to injure it. This was the same ankle I'd hurt a couple of summers ago at Windermere House, so I didn't know if that was connected. So, I went to the medical, and the doctor told me that I was just retaining fluid, and it was from standing too long, and I just needed to elevate my feet more. So, it's mostly gotten better (I think it was made worse from the sunburn).

Anyway, I guess that's enough random ramblings from me, I'm sure a lot of the time I don't make any sense at all, but that's what you get I guess...

PS - if anyone wants postcards, send me your mailing addresses, and I'll do my best to get some out.


Carolyn said...

Mom's ankles swelled up on a cruise, the one that you got stung on...anyway...when we were at the doctor's office preventing your arm from swelling there was a pamphlet saying that the higher salt content in the food causes people's ankles to swell. I guess I am saying stay away from 4 o'clock fries :)

Don't worry about getting all of your tan in the south, Europe is sunny too! Spain has one of the top seven beaches in the world.

Anonymous said...

AW I love your ramblings!
Can't wait to see you again soon... um I notice (cuz I was peaking that your line possibly goes to croatia... you'll have to let me know if you like it!?

Erica said...

the ankles are getting slightly better... the sunburn is too :) i've been staying away from 4 o'clock fries.

i do think that we go to croatia.. i hear they have some nice beaches there too. we're heading to europe soon, i'm getting excited!

Erica said...
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