Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another new voyage

So, we're about 4 days into the new voyage. I'm glad to get all the kids off the ship, and all the problems that they create. There are still a few this trip, but not as many as last time.

This Miami none of the crew were allowed off the ship. They're usually pretty strict, and before they had "windows" for when we were allowed off. I'm not 100% sure how it worked, because I never had time to get off on the switchover day. But anyway, they finally did away with this system for two trips back there. And then 3 chinese people had to go and wreck it for everyone. Apparently three of them decided to jump ship the last time that we were in Miami, and so now everyone else has to suffer. It doesn't really affect me, but lots of the crew are not so happy now, they figure that we might not be allowed out for the few Miamis that we have left.

Guests are starting to get very annoying to me. Especially this one that keeps coming to the desk. This lady stops by, and she says, has anyone asked about a lost watch today? So I said that I would check our lost and found book, but not everyone wants to leave details, sometimes they just come back and check later. Anyway, she had found a watch, but wants to keep it if no one comes to the desk to ask for it. At the same time that she was telling me this, another lady was looking for a lost watch (not the same one) which we had had turned in. And so the one who would like to keep the watch said "at least some people are still honest".

Anyway, she wouldn't give us a description of the watch, I guess she's afraid that we'd try to keep it on her. So if any guest is missing a watch, we have to call her to get it identified. If that wasn't enough, she comes to the desk today to say that she's found a bracelet in one of the restaurants, but doesn't want to tell us what it looks like because she wants to keep it if no one claims it. I don't know why she's even going through the motions of pretending to let us know that she's found stuff. I suppose it helps her sleep better at night to know that she's "tried" to give this stuff back that doesn't belong to her. Grrr, she just annoys me.

Oh well, I'm being moved to Telecom in a few days, which is essentially the telephone operator. Maybe it's a good thing, since I seem to be getting pretty annoyed with the guests.

Only a few more voyages until we move to Europe!


George said...

Sorry I've been absent from the world of comments. You write so much, but where are the photos? How is the new camera working for you?

I'd have to agree with you about this lost & found woman. She should either give the stuff to the crew because it's not her stuff... or just keep it and leave you alone.

What is the first stop in Europe?

Erica said...

the camera is working out really well, i haven't taken too many pictures so far, but i am definitely enjoying it. we made a good choice!

we're now on our way to europe, the first stop is plymouth, ireland i think... then le havre, france, and then plymouth, england. Then we go to germany for drydock for a few weeks.