Friday, April 11, 2008


I was trying to decide just what I should write about since it's been awhile since I've been online. Then I remembered that I had mentioned my new emergency number awhile ago...

Anyway, so with my new emergency number I am at one of the passenger lifeboat station, and I have to participate in the passenger drill (which somehow seems to always be on my break on the first day which makes my day seem even longer, but that's another story...) So, this week, as a part of the crew drill, they had to lower the lifeboats on the starboard side to make sure that everything was working properly. So that meant a lifeboat ride for me!

Not quite as exciting as it sounds really, but still kind of cool. After we had our drill, which for me consisted of pretty much just standing at my station, everyone from our crew had to get into the lifeboat while it was being lowered. I sincerely hope that we don't have any emergencies and actually have to use those things, because they can fit 150 people, but that's only if you get very close to your neighbours.

I was on shift during this time, so it was sort of nice to be able to sit in the lifeboat as they drove it around for 40 minutes. We did have one small incident where we decided to play bumper-boats with another lifeboat, but they are both okay, and survived the incident.

Other than that, things are still going well, I got off the ship the other day and went to lunch in Costa Rica with my coworkers from Mexico. Definitley nice to have some real food for once.

I've been getting a few requests for pictures - the computers on the ship, which are the ones I mostly use, don't have usb ports available because they're very worried about viruses. So, maybe once we're in Europe I'll have a chance to go to an internet cafe to post some of the pictures I've taken. Speaking of Europe, next cruise is our transatlantic cruise, Europe here we come!


Carolyn said...

Sounds like you are still having fun. Have you had a chance to practice your Spanish?

Erica said...

I've used my Spanish a little bit, I'm finding that I understand a lot, but it's been a long time since I spoke it, so I'm a lot more rusty than I thought...

I am using the French a lot though, mostly because I'm one of the only people that can speak it.