Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stupid Computer

Okay, so I had every good intention of posting not one, but two (yes TWO) posts today, both with pictures... but alas, the internet is not letting me upload photos to the website, I keep getting an error message, and it won't take the pictures. So, no pictures for you. But I did try. I promise.

On the cruising side of things, we just had some more changes to our team. Last cruise two people left, Marcelo, the Brazilian who was here my first contract too, and Hugo, who is from Mexico and is transferring to another ship after his vacation. So we have 3 new team members, since Betsy is covering the vacation of the concierge.

We now have Rosa from Portugal, Nick from Romania, and Simona from Italy/South Africa. We're starting to get a bit of a Romanian mafia going at the desk, we have 2 others as well. Maybe I'll start to pick up some Romanian.

In other news, I did get to the pyramids, and you would have seen the pictures, but the internet is stupid. Don't blame me, blame the internet. You'll just have to wait for another day to see the pictures.